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our son's nanny since oct 2013 - AVOID!


Never thought we would end up writing this, however you (like us) are looking for reliable upfront honest childcare and will not find it here. You will be told many things that impress you and your trust will be gained. This will make you drop your guard. Details will be left out and when questions are asked regarding your child's whereabouts or the existance of the promised daily diary, you will be met with hostility and defensive behaviour. More babysitting will be offered and then you will find yourself let down (wont say no I cant do it, will just not turn up) to appear late the next day with no real apology. We very nicely asked to speak about it on several occasions but was met with "if you are not happy I will understand if you want to use a different childcare provider" and then finally some rather rude voicemails. My husband requested a meet up to discuss things on neutral ground but was told she had spent the day writing her resignation and would let us know the following day whether or not she would be actioning this. We never heard from her until the following morning 2 hours before she was due to have our son when she emailed it over! We responded by text message (to avoid conflict) and took up her offer to terminate immediately, requesting our keys and sons belongings back. These never appeared although her and her husband turned up at our house unannounced. My husband went to collect it and the keys were not available but would be posted back through our door. They werent. He approached them again to which her husband was aggressive and threatened our family over the text message we sent saying we'd better not send any more or else (have all these things documented as we took the matter to the police. All of this was infront of their teenage son. To top it all off I have now been sent an email which questions me as a mother.