Virtual College Training

Access over 54 free online courses worth over £1500! gold members get FREE access to over 54 Virtual College training courses on topics such as safeguarding, mental health, e-safety, safer sleeping for babies, early child development and lots more.

How to Apply

You must login and be a gold member to register for the above courses.

The Courses

Agreed Ways of Working: Complaints and Incidents

An Introduction to Infection Prevention and Control

An Introduction to the Autism Spectrum Training

Assisting and Moving People and Objects in Social Care

Awareness of Health and Safety at Work

Child and Adult Sexual Exploitation

Child Poverty

Collaborative Working: A Whole Family

Common Core of Skills and Knowledge

Confidentiality in the Workplace

Dementia Awareness Training

Developing a Personal Development Plan

Duty of Care in Health and Social Care

Early Child Development – Foundation

Early Help and CAF

Equality and Diversity in Social Care


FGM (Abuse Linked to Faith or Belief)

Gang Related Issues and County Lines

Hidden Harm

Information Sharing

Level 1 Safeguarding Everyone

Level 2 Safeguarding Everyone

LGBTQ+ Awareness

Medication Management in Social Care

Mental Capacity and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards in Social Care

Mental Health Awareness

Modern Slavery and Trafficking

Parental Mental Health

Person-Centred Care in Social Care

Radicalisation and Extremism

Safeguarding Adults in Social Care

Safeguarding Children Level 2

Safeguarding Children Level 3

Safeguarding and Leadership in Healthcare: Core

Safeguarding in Education

Safer Recruitment non-NHS

Safer Sleeping for Babies

Safer Working Practices

Self-Harm Awareness


Sexual Health

Statutory & Mandatory Training: Dignity in Care

Statutory & Mandatory Training: Lone Working & Security Awareness

Statutory & Mandatory Training: Risk Assessment

Suicidal Thoughts

Supervision and Appraisal in Early Years Settings

Supporting Teenagers and Young People

The Essentials of GDPR (DP)v

The Management of Urinary Catheterisation in Adults

Time Management

Tissue Viability

Understanding Domestic Abuse Training

Understanding the Impacts of Hate Crime

Understanding Young Minds

Working with Children with Learning Difficulties and Disabilities

Help and Support

Please not that the Virtual College training included with gold membership is for the named individual account holder only and cannot be used by multiple people. If you wish to use the training for multiple staff members, each individual must be a gold member.

For help and support please see the Virtual College help page

More Free Online Training

Don't forget that gold members get access to lots more free online training courses from Educare and Laser Learning worth over £5000 plus access to over 250 previous webinars on our Webinar Player.