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kathy mc

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5 stars

Highly recommended childminder


We have been thrilled to have found a childminder as fantastic as Kathy. Our daughter settled much quicker than I thought she would given that she was almost one when she started. Kathy is patient, professional, organised and pays great attention to the children's needs.

Emily is happy when I leave her with Kathy in the morning (she's usually itching to get in so that she can have her breakfast) and she's happily playing when I collect her at the end of the day. We really feel that Emily has flourished since she has been with Kathy. She has the chance to meet loads of other children and takes part in lots of different activities (including music and gardening - particular favourites) and goes on outings to parks, museums, play areas and the children's centre.

We get feedback from Kathy every day on what is planned for the day and how the day's gone, including any milestones / new achievements; we also get to see photos of Emily taking part in activities and have a written record. Kathy is straight-talking and would say if there were a problem, which is very reassuring. In the fairly short time she has been looking after Emily, Kathy has been willing to “go the extra mile” including taking Emily to the doctor when she became unwell and is as flexible as possible. It is a big weight off my mind when I am at work to know Emily is in such good hands. Overall, we cannot recommend Kathy highly enough.