Avatar for Lynsey T

Lynsey T

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5 stars

Highly Recommended


Lynsey collects my 5 and 6 yr old from school every Thursday whilst I am at college.
Both children thoroughly enjoy their time with Lynsey and her family, so much so that they mither the life out of me every morning "Is Lynsey picking us up today?", I get this everyday until Thursday.
Lynsey provides excellent meals for the children, always a healthy option. My children enjoy the arts and crafts that Lynsey does with them, Lynsey doesnt mind the messy play in fact she activily encourages it.
Lynsey is very reliable, I always receive a text to say all is well with my children, which is quite reassuring.
I would definately recommend Lynsey as a Childminder, she isnt a childminder who just actually minds children, she is constantly doing things with them, attending groups, going on outtings, they are always busy, busy, busy. She is definately worth putting on your short list.