Avatar for Helen Li

Helen Li

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5 stars

An Absolutely Amazing Childminder


Our little girl spent 1 year with Helen (age 3 - 4). A year filled with love, fun and laughter. The memories every child should have!!!

Helen provided a safe place, with firm and clear boundaries and a nurturing environment for our daughter. Only a mummy knows that warm feeling in her heart when your child is HAPPY!

It was easy to drop off our daughter, knowing that she is in good hands and that she is excited about the day ahead. She got stimulated and were NEVER bored. Helen provided the activities needed for her development and more so, she made education and learning fun! From day trips to messy play, every day was filled with pleasure.

Helen provides for each child’s needs and work from where they are at. All children have different needs. My active little girl got the daily exercise and practical learning she needed to be ready for school. Helen supported the social skills needed and helped her form friendships as she is an only child.

We love Helen so much and will definitely use her future again.

Very highly recommended!!!!

  • 5 stars Overall
  • 5 stars Setting
  • 5 stars Cleanliness
  • 5 stars Food
  • 5 stars Communication