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London Borough Of Waltham Forest

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5 stars

Wonderful caring and capable nanny for our twins


I am very grateful to have met Anna and to have had her care for our twins.

Anna is a very warm, caring person who works very hard and is reliable and punctual.

She worked for us part time for nearly five months from April/May to September 2015 whilst I undertook part time work.
Our babies were 10/11 months old when she began. She cared for them for around 3 - 6 hours during day times, 2 -4 times per week at our home in my absence.

Anna provided a high standard of care and made me feel completely at ease leaving her with our twins (who had not had any childcare other than from me before).

Anna's style of care suited my way of thinking very much, so much so that I did not set any requirements for how she spent her time with them.
Anna set the day herself, which made me feel very relaxed and happy that she was being adaptable and using her own initiative regarding the variables, such as: the mood of the children/ their appetites/ the weather/ local opportunities. As I want for them, her days with them always included plenty of time outdoors in playgrounds and parks. She was even prepared to walk their buggy (as I do) in the London rain (thank you Anna!).

Anna is very detail focussed and thoughtful. She communicated well with me regarding all aspects of the babies day. I always felt informed about how their day together was going and she updated me on key points at the end of each session she looked after them. I felt that she was very much tuned to the two different characters and picked up on even the small changes in their behaviour/moods/routines, identifying times when they may have been ill/teething or transitioning somehow to new behaviour. I always felt they had her full and undivided attention.

With Anna they napped and ate well, and were always delighted to see her- even after a break whilst we were on holidays. Upon our return the twins remembered her and were excited to see her at our door. This meant I left to go to work happy, leaving the babies happily playing with Anna, few tears ever.

Anna was fun and inventive. It is clear she has enjoyed and excelled at being a mother herself. She would sing songs, speak with them and make up games with ease. She is a very tactile person, providing plenty of hugs when needed, and a lap for resting toddlers.

Anna is very responsible, calm and professional. She helped me to diagnose possible health issues, and on one occasion, at my request took the babies to our GP.

During her time with us, my children transitioned from babyhood to being toddlers and blossomed in her care.

I would dearly love Anna to continue work with us, but have made the decision to cut back my part time work, in order to spend more time with the babies in these precious first years. As a result we can now not afford to have childcare, other than me!