We been so lucky to find Kelly and Beverly:)
We been looking ages for childminder to look after our 9 months old girl. Cause we do rotate shift in our work it was nearly impossible to find somebody who could do mid-day hours. When we found Kelly she said she would look after Rosie straight away. She was only 9 months old but she never even cry once when we took her first time as she grown up she start saying Kelly name at home. And when we was taking her she was so excited every time when Kelly or Beverly opened the door. She never wants to eat at home but always eat well while Kelly look after her. And even when I had second child and I didn’t had to send her to Kelly whenever we passed her house when we go for a walk she still was remember. And that’s way I know Rosie had amazing time I couldn’t ask for better Childmainder for our daughter. And if she wasn’t her self or didn’t want to eat I always I knew cause end of the day when we pick her up Kelly or Beverly told us. We always knew we leaving Rosie in good hands ! Thank you very much for been so good with Rosie will always recommend u to anybody if they look for trusted childminder:)