*** Wonderful childcare ***
It is hard to sum up Kerry-Annes wonderful approach to childcare in a short review. My daughter has been going to Kerry-Anne for nearly a year since she was 9 months and i just cannot complement her enough! Delilah loves attending and looks forward to going every morning we had a very gradual transition and Kerry-Anne has supported us all the way offering lots of advise and helping Delilah meet all her milstones at such an age where she is changing all the time. Her house is beautiful and welcoming the setting is focused completely around her profession and the children. It was so important to me to find an excellent ofsted registered 'outstanding' childcare provider we felt comfortable with and Kerry-Anne ticks all those boxs and so many more. She goes above and beyond in so many ways which just adds to the excellent care, love and service she provides to all us parents. I cannot recommend her enough i am expecting another and i pray she has place for them to when the time comes my children will never be going anywhere else! We love Kerry-Anne and her wonderful family and cannot thank her enough for the constant support, experiance and advise she gives us helping our daughter grow into such a wonderful little girl.
Response from Kerreyanne
Thank you for the lovely review