Another big thumbs up
We feel incredibly lucky to have found Katarina and have nothing but praise for her. Our 17 month old son started there 1 day a week at just three months and has been going full time since he was 10 months. He shrieks with excitement when he recognises the front door and happily walks in each morning waving and without a backward glance.
They are always out and about at playgroups and singing and in the park and have loads of outside time which was really important to us. Our son comes home tired and happy (and sometimes in a third change of clothes!) and obviously enjoys himself hugely. I have even more respect and admiration for Katarina after the last few months of lockdown with no playgroups or parks; how she has managed to entertain a group of pre-schoolers in those circumstances is simply unfathomable. They have done crafts, played in the garden and with sand and water and learnt songs, our son happily hums the tune to "twinkle twinkle" and knows all the actions to countless other songs.
Katarina treats them like little adults as soon as they are capable and it is delightful to watch him trying to make his own sandwiches, put shoes on or tidying up after himself. She sends home the words of songs so that we can compound the learning at home and lets us know if there is something we need to work on (saying "no" without him laughing, walking whilst holding on to the buggy, not taking other people's food!).
We have a communication book with what activities they have done and food/naps which is completed daily, all food is home cooked and when my son was being weaned Katarina copied what he was having at home which was a huge relief to a working first time parent trying to do things right.
My job can be erratic in terms of last minute meetings and hearings and Katarina is always really understanding when I have to change plans at the last minute or am late home.
Our son absolutely loves Katarina and also her two children who are simply fabulous with him and treat him like a little brother. They are so kind and patient and (especially since schools have been closed) it is like he has three people there looking out for him rather than just one.
Really we cannot offer enough praise or thanks, which is a good job as he learnt to say "Katty" before "Mama" (which we are still working on...!).