The answer to your prayers!
Right, so I have really really not wanted to write up this review. Not because I don't want to, but because I know its going to get the waterworks started!
Let me start by saying that Mandy, by far, is one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. She has made such an impact on not just my son's life (who she looked after), but my whole family's. Even those that never got the chance to meet her. My hands are shaking and my lips are trembling now, I really wish I could have brought Mandy on our new journey in Dubai with us but unfortunately Mandy couldn't lol!!
I remember before I started teaching at my school in Newham having a look on this website and coming across Mandy's profile... I thought to myself... phwoarr Mandy sounds to good to be true, so then I ended up going with a local nursery. It was only until a year later where I realised it just wasn't working for him and I looked on here again and thought I would message Mandy. She was an absolute delight and answered all of my questions and any doubts that I may have had, and lucky for us, she had an opening in January yay! She let us in to her home for my son to get a feel for what her learning environment and home environment is like. Aadam took a liking straight away...
Now, my son always cried every morning before going to nursery, but he didn't have that with Mandy, he was always excited and eager to go except for those mornings where he was being a grumpy little goat!
When it came to collecting him it was always a struggle getting him to the car as he just wanted to keep playing!
Mandy has looked after my son as if he were her own, she loved him as if he were her own, she let him and us into her life as we were her own. She picked me up when I was down, she even jump started my car when it was a goner, she taught me how to fix up the rear light with a thump haha! She even taught me how to start getting rid of my hay fever! Im telling you now, Mandy is a walking talking Google search engine!
I am really jealous of anyone who gets the chance to put their blessings with Mandy, She is such a down to earth, loving, joyous, caring, enthusiastic, angel I just can't sing her praises enough. She never once made me feel guilty that my son hadn't yet been potty trained and I am still convinced that to this day that had it not been for Mandy, my son would probably still be wearing his nappy!!! He would come into the car and tell me how Mandy would excitedly tell him how proud she was of him. The fact that it mattered to my son just summed it all up how much Mandy and her family meant to him!
Mandy was always excellent at keeping me up to date with how he was doing with his learning and development and never failed to keep his files on point. His going home file was always filled in with comments and listed everything he had done for the day.
There is nothing but goodness about this lady and I am lucky and proud to call her my friend, my sister, my family... even if she refuses to believe it! But I will never ever stop thanking god for blessing us with someone as wonderful as herself and her family. I promise you, you will not regret your decision in placing your child(ren) with her. She will make your work-life so much easier with her expertise in almost every field and more so her looking after your blessings.
I know I am repeating myself so I will stop there. Thank you Mandy for being everything you are, I cannot wait to see you when we come back to the UK and hope that if you ever decide to come to dubai, you will stay with us so we can show you around!
Love you to the moon and back xxxxxx
Response from Mandy
Wow Nel what can I say to that, Thank you seems such a small word but it is all I have. You are part of my family and always will be, it was a pleasure looking after your son ... my little pieder man! I hope you all have a wonderful adventure in Dubai.
I love you all too, and like I've always said I'm always at the end of my phone.... And yes i'm crying writing this too.
I'm saving hard so we can all come and visit you, just have the air con set to freezing!! xxx