One in a million!
I genuinely haven’t got enough words to praise this woman with (but I’m going to try anyway!)
I remember struggling to decide between a nursery setting or a childminder for my son, who was about 19 months at the time. I tried a nursery setting, and that lasted 4 days once I realised my child was crying from the moment I dropped him off to the moment I arrived back! I decided then that I would let my son tell me where he wanted to be by his body language and behaviour and that I would trust him to know. I met a lady about 2 days before Mandy, and my son was clinging to me the whole time we were in her house. So, I messaged Mandy the next day and arranged to meet her later that same week. She was really polite over her messages, which is always a good first sign. When my son and I arrived at her house, it took him all of literally 5 minutes to get down off my lap and play with the toys on her living room carpet! That’s when I knew this was where I wanted him to be. Mandy was honestly an angel in disguise. She looked after my child like he was her own & there were many days I spent having a long chat about anything and everything outside her welcoming home. We have literally cried together, laughed til we nearly wet ourselves and she even became buddies with my sister, whom became part of our extended childcare family! Honestly, Mandy I simply one of a kind. She was meant to care for my child and I’m so glad I found her. She’s given me advice, she’s listened to my fears, she’s bent over backwards to support me and my son when I genuinely thought I would lose my kind at times. She’s cooked me dinners to take home sometimes when she knew I had worked late, she’s kept him or extra time without charge, she’s gone above and beyond for me in every way and I love her dearly. x
Response from Mandy
Wow La Keshia What do I say to that, I know you told me not to cry, but here I am reading it again and crying again. Its been a pleasure working and laughing with you through the years, watching your son flourish into the happy, caring young man you said you hoped he would become on the first meeting. x