Childcare Provision
If you have not considered Sarah or asked Sarah to look after your child(ren) then I am afraid a bad choice has been made! Sarah has looked after my 3 children for over a year and they all love the Turfrey family. Each one has been made to feel welcome, safe and valued individually and I genuinely feel that there is nothing Sarah would not do for any of my children. Great freindships have been formed and I hope this remians for many years to come (even when my children have grown up).
I have had some bad experience with childminding and so was very unsure about going through the process again of finding someone suitable. I even considered giving up work. Sarah took all my concerns on board, demonstrated how she could eliminate these for me and has been true to her word. A fine example of 'good people do exist' and I am lucky to have found Sarah.
Activities are very well planned and involve a lot of creative, muddy, sticky, stimulating..........stuff the list is far too long to keep going - and my children come home with oodles of things that they have been making. Trouble is - I am running out of space to put it all !!!