Let down
Vicky agreed to come and work for us as a Nanny and told us she would be leaving her current job. I arranged to go back to work confident that I had everything sorted, we were just waiting for a contract to be organised. Sadly, Vicky got a better offer from her current employer and so has let us down and I am back to the beginning again with limited time available.
We are very disappointed as she seemed nice.
Response from Vicky
At this time finding work for everyone is difficult. I was lucky enough to have been offered two very good jobs with two lovely families. Unfortunately I was in the position that I had to let one family down.
I understood that this family had already organised going back to work, so when I phoned to let them know my situation I offered to cover both jobs until they find someone else. For me this would have meant going from one job to another everyday even weekends, so I wouldn't have seen my own family. But the family got very upset and told me that the childcare WASN'T an issue and not to worry.
In letting this family down I was something I have NEVER had to do before and I myself was very upset that I had to do this, but I gave them plenty of notice. I have always gone out of my way to help as many families as I can. I have many good references and I am still in contact with all of the families I have helped for the last 11 years.
I am upset that this family are so very disappointed with me, when they new I had I let one family down and it just so happened I decided it had to be them.
Really am sorry.