I do highly recommed Butterfly Child Care
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the tremendous work you have done with my twins. Looking back in 2016 we can see how far the boys are and that thanks to your support, presentation and professionalism. Your work is outstanding and no other childminder would do what you have done for my boys. Their development and self-esteem had a huge bust. They are praised by the teacher, they have friends and are happy to explore new things.
I am absolutely sure that all your paperwork can evidence their development with your support, but how about our support: parents and grandparents support? You have been there for us as well as you have been there for the boys. You give us the straight, the expertise and the your wisdom. Your support is well appreciated and you professionalism is admirable.
As a professional myself, I can see an outstanding service and a very devoted, passionate and knowledgeable person who runs it.
You do everything from the heart and your results are easily measurable.