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Maternity Nurse

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1 stars

Walked out with no notice


Tanya worked as a metrnity nurse with us for 12 weeks 3,nights a week. 4 months later returned to do maternity nurse and sleep training whilst my husband was away on business.
After 2 nights of her 5 day contract she walked out whislt she was on her break claiming she wouldn't get a result. Just before her break my little one had a temperature. I later played back some video footage and saw her techniques were extremely harsh and not what was agreed upfront. She left my little one to cry for periods of 30mins without reassurance. He bacame so traumatised after she left he wouldn't sleep in his cot at all.
When I tried to contact her, she was unnecessarily insulting about us and our daytime part-time nanny. She claimed she didn't know the circumstances of the job.
Her behaviour was deceitful, unreliable, unprofessional and morally reprecentble behaviour. I cannot recommend his person based on our experience.

  • 1 stars Overall
  • 1 stars Communication

Response from TLC

Dear Katie,

It saddens me to see this review you have left of me since most of it is fabricated. I am sorry you see things differently as to what have actually happened. But I understand where you might be coming from and hope your ongoing therapies could help you move on from this.

I would like to address your accusations as best as I can to help you understand why I left without notice.

I was your maternity nurse for 3+ months July-October 2019. During this period you have confided in me with your struggles mentally and emotionally . Apart from taking care of your baby, I was there caring for you too. You have told me you have been seeing a Psychotherapist and Psychiatrist at the same time and have been attending therapies since the birth of your older child.

I ended my Maternity Nursing contract with both parties happy and we carried on being friendly with each other. I value my clients and have never ever walked out from any of them since the beginning of career.

You contacted me in February and have asked for my help. After agreeing to a time, you booked me to sleep train your baby February 20-24 whilst your husband was away.

You have agreed with the sleep training methods I chose to use with your baby and have stayed in the house with me when we started the process. I have asked and reassured you so many times if you were alright to carry on with the training. I could see it was affecting you negatively hearing your child cry considering your mental situation but you have constantly expressed your desperate need to get your child to sleep through the night. As the day goes on, I have slowly realised that I was not only there to sleep train your baby but to also look after your older child and ended up doing things ie bath, feeding, bedtime for both your children. The next day, the same thing happened and your anxiety towards the sleep training has gotten worse. The third morning, the baby woke up with temperature and runny nose, you had a panic attack and have indirectly blamed it to sleep training. Your older child was sick the entire time I was at your house so the baby has caught it. After our conversation we agreed to leave naps as it is and carry on with night training if the baby gets better otherwise the sleep training has to stop until baby is well.
On my break time that day, after reflecting to the situation, considering all factors, I decided I cannot stay and carry on with the job.

I am sorry it turned out the way it did. I wish it had never happened but now that we find ourselves in this situation I hope we both learn from it.
