Full time nanny
For the 4years that she worked for me I found Ruth to be excellent. Never late always available at last minute, even though we would always give at least 2 days notice. When I was pregnant with my second she was a big help, having my oldest the whole time I was in hospital (I had a c section) even brought her in to see me. When I was ill and couldn't get out of bed she stayed with me the whole 2 weeks. As my husband works away. She is very kind always putting herself out to help me and my family. She looked after my youngest 2 children since they where born . The kids loved her food she even cooked for me and my husband. She always kept the house neat ,clean and tidy. I wish I could have paid her more. The only reason I had to let her go is we moved away because of my husbands job. I tried to convince Ruth to come with us. But she couldn't leave her own family. Anyone hiring her should know how lucky they are as she really enriched our family live
Response from Ruth se9
Sorry for not doing this sooner, thank you for the review and I hope your little ones are ok now,not so little I'm sure. Miss you loads but will see you soon