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5 stars

Our very own Mary Poppins


There is a scene in Mary Poppins, where the children write their own requirements for a nanny and I would have to say that Jenny was practically perfect. She worked with us for over a year and was the best of friends with my daughters. Extremely well organized, she managed my eldest daughter's school day from start to finish from the mad hair brushing in the morning to the tidy up time after tea and homework in the evemings. The holidays were filled with trips to the park, local museums, swimming, cinema, baking, painting and all manner of creative things. My daughter really improved in all her subjects thanks to her learning support especially her reading.

For us, she became an essential conduit with the school, retrieving lost hats and gum shields. This year she also took on looking after our second daughter as well and was still as fantastic with both kids

Firm but fair,never late, ultra reliable and great fun - if the circumstances were different we would have her back in a heart beat and I cannot recommend her highly enough. Both you and your kids will love her.