You’ll never have to worry about your child..
Would my child’s needs be met as well as I was doing at home? Would the care provider be willing to follow the routines I had worked so hard to establish? Would my child get an early years education or just have her physical needs met? These were just some of the worries I had prior to leaving my child when returning to work. Leaving your child for the first time with someone you have spent half an hour with prior to the first day is really scary and natural but I can honestly say that my concerns were not needed. Roxanne has provided a consistent 5* service and more importantly, has opened up her home to my child and offered her the same care, discipline and education she gives to her own children.
Roxanne is my first experience of childcare and early years education and I make no secret of the fact that parenting has at times been a challenge. As with most children, my daughter has had her “moments” and while Roxanne has fulfilled her duty of working incredibly hard to instil excellent behaviour and a sense of right and wrong in my daughter when she is in her care, the other outstanding quality is the support she has offered to me during these hard times. Roxanne has given me massive amounts of reassurance and given me suggestions on techniques I could try to produce the outcomes I wanted and has always been willing to integrate my ideas into the way she cares for my daughter to ensure the consistency she knows children need.
I never expected to develop a working relationship as positive as the one that exists with Roxanne; she never clocks off and is always willing to support her childminding families out of hours. She is always coming up with new, innovative ways of enriching the children’s experiences and pouring pure joy into their lives. Roxanne makes time everyday to talk to parents about the day their child has had and I remember being worried about whether I would feel like I knew how my child’s day had really been but again, this was unfounded.
My daughter has loved every day she has been with Roxanne and I firmly believe that her setting provides more than would be possible in a nursery. The children go out on trips at least once a week, if not more frequently and get to socialise with children from other childminding providers very frequently too. My daughter has developed excellent relationships with multiple adults and lots of lovely little children while also making excellent progress with her developmental milestone. I had the option to send her to pre-school but made the decision that she would be better placed to stay with Roxanne, as I believe she’s getting a head start for when she does start school because of the personalised learning she is receiving and has received since she was a baby.
I could talk all day about all the wonderful things Roxanne does for my child and the other children in the setting but ultimately, the most important thing to know is that Roxanne will care for your child as she does her own and you’ll never have to worry about the quality of care, safety, education or fun your child is having while at Little Peaches.