Experienced nanny with strong views on parenting
Maddy is a very experienced nanny – she is knowledgeable on routines to ensure order in the house, which can be very helpful. With that comes very strong views about what babies/toddlers should do or how they should act. While that can be valuable, we felt our wishes as parents and our parenting style were not followed/respected. Personally, I felt very hurt about the many times I felt I and our child were judged with comments such as ‘He is 18m, he should be used to this’ (referring to our baby not yet being able to put himself to sleep by himself at night).
Maddy helpfully accepted last minute to babysit our baby overnight. She offered to sleep train our baby, knowing that nights was something we had trouble with, but I told her that it didn’t make sense for us to sleep train him for a night only, so it would be only a regular ‘overnight’, he would be put to sleep by rocking and should he wake up at night, he should be given his bottle for comfort. We were particularly tired from a rough week at work and had guests sleeping over so it was particularly important that the night went smoothly. Maddy however insisted in letting our baby cry in the cot to put him to sleep, and later in the middle of the night as well. He got so upset in the middle of the night that I had to nurse him in order to calm him down, at which point Maddy said ‘it was never going to work like this so she was going to sleep’. At that point I had to take our baby to our own room and he slept with us. Maddy nonetheless requested she be paid sleep training price for a full night.
We had very different ideas of how overnight babysitting should run, but Maddy may be a good options for parents who have similar approach to her as to how children should be raised.
Response from Maddy
So Claire approached me in March and wants a live in nanny and interviewed me for an afternoon position, to take over from her morning nanny (who brings her 1 year old to work with her no offence to Nanny who had not been with Claire long & seemed very capable)
She complained about her son not sleeping through the night, and him not talking yet.
I advised her in my professional capacity as an experienced and successful nanny. She asked my advice during interview I gave it to her.
She checked my references which were excellent but didn’t get back to me about the position.
Claire called me to babysit overnight as her son had kept her up, I put him to bed after his bath let him cry for a few mins, I settled him with some methods that I use he went off to sleep Claire went out with husband & friend for dinner, baby slept soundly.
During the small hours I was asleep next to the cot in the bed when he stirred, naturally I awoke I got up to settle him & to my surprise Claire was at the door within seconds so quick in fact that I thought it impossible that she hadn’t been stood outside the door & not just awoken from her bed and before I’d even had the chance to try & settle him she took him off to her bed.
At no time was her child in any real distress and I had to come to the conclusion that Claire doesn’t really want my help and would just like to continue with the habitual behaviour which keeps them both up 3/4 times a night.
All in all I probably spent all of an hour or 2 with Claire and her knowledge of my childcare approach is limited at best, why she would want to mar my profile with this review I don’t know, maybe she’s tired!
Best of luck Claire