Interview before you pay!!!
I have had a very short and unpleasant experience this this childminder. I was not told about the dogs in the house beforehand. I guess everyone’s standards are different as to what’s acceptable as a childcare environment. Make sure you interview this childminder and see the house before you make any payments!
Response from Kerry Mi
Firstly I would like to highlight that this parent didn’t come to interview me even though I asked her to on several occasions so I don’t understand how someone can rate your provision when they haven’t even entered it and only spent 5 minutes on my doorstep while dropping her son off to me.
I would like to respond to a parent who has recently left a review on my account. The parent has rated my provision 1 star. I would like to say that this parent on numerous occasions over the couple of weeks of being in contact with me not once did she take me up on the offer of coming to my home to have an interview with me and instead paid for my services and brought her son along to me without even introducing herself prior to this. I did mention to this parent that I had 2 doggies and that they were never allowed around the minded children unless it’s with the permission of the parents and that they are always kept in a separate room with the door firmly shut. This parent was also offered to speak to the other parents on my books to confirm that this is my procedure with my dogs but she didn’t take that offer up and instead she said she was absolutely fine with me having dogs but on the day of care and after dropping her son off to me she then called and said that she didn’t really digest the fact that I had 2 dogs even though this was mentioned previously and said that her husband wasn’t comfortable with the situation and returned within 1/2 an hour to collect her son from me.
As for payments this is my normal procedure when parents want my services and to secure a place within my setting that they pay 4 weeks in advance and are told that this is non refundable which was also mentioned to the parent.
I do feel that this parent in future should go to interview childminders and not just drop her child off when not knowing or even met that person it would save the childminder and the parent/s a lot of hassle.
My advice to this parent is to take the offer and interview the childminder before commencing with their childcare.