Couldn't have asked for better.
My son joined Lynn's setting in September 2022 after his first childminder retired. I was heartbroken at the thought of him having to settle in somewhere new at nearly 2 years of age, but after hearing my sister raving about Lynn (as my nephew of the same age already went there), I knew wholeheartedly that Charlie would be okay.
When Charlie first started at Lynn's, he was barely talking, saying only a few words & only playing with cars. In the early weeks, Lynn listened to my concerns about his speech delay & advised us on what we could do to have him assessed, which we followed. Thankfully, no intervention was needed as his speech came on in leaps & bounds after only a short while of being with her & her other minded children. She was also able to convince him to play with something other than cars! & to join in activities with other children.
Charlie also loved Lynn's own children & I loved receiving pictures of him snuggled up with them like he was part of the family ❤️
Charlie's eating flourished too while he was there. He used to be a picky eater but with Lynn's support & guidance, he started eating new things & I was able to provide a varied lunch for him instead of the same set items each week.
Charlie struggled with his emotions when there was any change of routine, but Lynn knew this & if he was having a bad day, she was able to calm him down but also let us know the reason of his upset. She was so in tune with him & his needs & I knew I'd made the right choice by sending him to her.
Though Charlie only spent less than 18 months with Lynn, I'm forever grateful for how she helped my boy to blossom into the happy, chatty, funny little boy he is today, so thank you!