Nanny for 3 small that we wholeheartedly recommend
Paige has been our Nanny for 2.5 years and she has been invaluable to my sons and us as a family.
She had sole charge of my youngest son from 6 months old, my middle son half the week (with the baby) and my eldest son after school some days and all three of them in the school holidays. Therefore, she is good at dedicated 121 time and also the craziness that is 3 sons at once. They were 6 months, 3 years old and 4 years old when she started with us. They are now nearly 3, nearly 6 and 7 and a half and she has adapted her care accordingly. My sons love her playful nature and (seemingly endless) energy, but at the same time respect her when she explains the rules.
Paige is very proactive at filling her time, she would often have her notebook out, planning her weeks ahead, running her ideas by me. A little touch I liked is that she would come up with cheap and creative activities or days out, not just taking them to the expensive places that were the obvious choices. The boys enjoyed a real mix of days at home with a trip to the park, and whole days out with picnics at a local woods or soft play.
She never uses screen time, she is so active and gets the children involved so that the days fly by. She is big on reinforcing the things I do such as manners, no pudding if you have not had your veggies etc but she is flexible, and I know she will adapt to a new families rules.
She is often out and about with all three of my sons and they love her activities! There have been slime baths, football tournaments, superhero colouring in sheets…I wonder if these activities are for my sons or for her!!!!!! She clearly LOVES her job and that comes through in how she looks after my children, she is not clock watching or on her phone, ever.
Paige would collect my sons twice a week after school, do their homework with them and feed them. She was very good at knowing their mood, so if one was particularly tired, she would text me to say that he was having some chillout time in his room before they went out or did homework, for example. She could manage a moody child and also keep the other two entertained – she is magic!
Regarding housekeeping duties, Paige can make full family meals from scratch, she will sometimes text me to say that something has a shorter life in the fridge and can we swap meals over – again it’s those little touches that really help working parents as I trust her to run the home sensibly. She did all the boys laundry, did our weekly food shop and cooked once or twice a week.
Paige has been fantastic for our children; she is a Nanny that will likely ask you about things before you get a chance to ask her because she is so on the ball. She is sweet, kind and ever so fun.