The kids totally love her
We met Deni when our three year old was 11 months, at the nursery he went to at that time. I happened to ask if anyone could babysit, and it happened that Deni lived literally at the end of our street. Deni did some occasional babysitting for us as well as a couple of our NCT friends who also got on really well with her..
We loved that she was totally unfazed by our mad house, our naughty cats and our rather demanding toddler. But then she got a great new job and we lost her as our Nanny for a bit and we missed her.
Shortly after I had baby number 2, Deni’s job happened to come to an end, and so we’ve had her back as our part time nanny.
Both the kids love her!! She really does just turn up, takes the kids off my hands so I can get on with stuff that needs doing, I don’t have to worry. She just gets on and does, quickly learning the kids routines and little quirks.
I’m going back to work in a few weeks, so baby will be off to nursery and no doubt Deni will find a new fabulous job, but we’ve loved having her with us for this few weeks. I hope we and the kids know her for a long time to come :-)