Avatar for Sarah Hampson

Sarah Hampson

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5 stars

Loves them like her own


My son Matt has been with Sarah for a year (since he was 6 months old) and could barely stand to be away from me for a few minutes. Whenever in Sarah's house he has felt comfortable and happy. Sarah takes great care of the kids wellbeing and keeps parents fabulously well-informed. She even helps hold your hand a little bit in those early days away from mum too!
Sarah offerred really flexible opportunities for Matt to settle in, and always does that little bit more for the kids; in summer a baby pool was acquired for the back garden and in winter they have gone to feed the squirrels in the park every week! Weather permitting, they go on trips out every day. Sarah has been brilliant in providing meals or giving milk all through the early stages of weaning, had helped Matt overcome initial shyness and a bit of anxiety over strange people and places, and even has organised little picnics or meals out at soft play (when available).
What I have liked best is that Sarah has always been very straightforward in her communication, and is also good at setting firm boundaries on naughtiness before it becomes trouble. We are so sad to be moving away, as Sarah and her house have truly been a second family for my toddler.

  • 5 stars Overall
  • 5 stars Setting
  • 5 stars Cleanliness
  • 5 stars Food
  • 5 stars Communication