Didn’t turn up and ignored my texts and call
First time booking, had met a Helen in advance and agreed date of booking , backed up by text. On said evening, texted when 10 mins late, text was read and could see a logon to childcare website occurred at same time. Further text, call and message via childcare website unread and unanswered. Can understand if booking was forgotten, I should have double checked the day before but to not reply to me I think it pretty out of order. I could have got a friend to cover instead but I kept hanging on thinking she was on her way. Concert I had been waiting for for 18 months subsequently missed and out of pocket for the tickets.
Response from Helen
I’m actually very sick I had Covid-19 and then got chest infection afterwards… I have written on my account confirmation to everyone stating that I am unable to work due to Covid-19 and then I updated my account (family members updated my account on my behalf), to state that I now have a severe chest infection for which I had paramedics attend my home yesterday to give me nebulisers and steroids. I was then seen by out of hours gp whereby I have been prescribed steroids (prednisone steroids) and amoxicillin antibiotics for my chest infection… I have never let anyone down in the 6yrs I’ve worked as a babysitter and nanny, and I always have been punctual on time etc. I cannot contact everyone that I am working for when I was struggling to breathe yesterday. I got my family members to log into my account yesterday to make sure my account was updated informing everyone I am sick and I won’t be available to return back to work until Saturday (again I would update and review this and make changes if I required further time off work).
I have been babysitting and working as a nanny for many years and have never had any negative feedback, so the fact that you never received this message on my profile isn’t my fault. I always update my profile account with any sudden changes to my work hours or if I’m off sick. I have so many families that I work for and have all been extremely happy with my babysitting service I provide to their children. Sickness suddenly occurs to us all, and I am self employed, I did the correct procedure in getting my family member to update my account profile to inform everyone I’m unavailable to work due to sudden sickness and chest infection. I’ve received zero negative reviews from anyone accept yourself, and the fact that I showed up a few weeks ago to meet with you clearly shows I am dedicated to my work, but I refuse to apologise for getting sick and I refuse to apologise to you because you have zero respect for people like myself whom are self employed and suddenly get extremely unwell with Covid-19 and then just 5 days later I got hit with a very severe chest infection, and due to my asthma and having only just recovered from Covid-19 my lungs are very weak and was why I got so very sick and required paramedics to attend to my home to give me emergency nebulisers and steroids to open up my airways and enable me to breathe again. My oxygen saturation levels were only 86% yesterday afternoon and so I was far too unwell and weak to contact you… I’m still very unwell today and I had my gp at my house today giving me more nebulisers.
So for anyone that is reading this I never let anyone down, I have always attended work when I can, even during lockdown I was working as a nanny looking after children. I am and can only do what my body enables me to physically do, and nobody knows when we will be suddenly taken very unwell.
To everyone that does know me on this website and has used me to babysit or work as their child’s nanny, they will vouch for me and agree that I am very good at my job and I take exceptional care of your children. I won’t be put down by a negative comment because I became very unwell requiring an ambulance at my home yesterday whereby the paramedics spent over 3hrs at my house trying to stabilise my breathing and do all they could so I could continue being treated at hone this prevent me from being admitted to hospital. Thank you.