To Maria of Love
Maria looked after my 5 month old daughter for a month, while I was studying for my final exam. Maria was working from 10.00 to 20.00 six days a week. So, I had plenty of opportunity to observe Maria while she was with my daughter. She was very professional, she was always on time in the morning, she was flexible to come in earlier or to stay overtime, and she had never cancelled any of her shifts claiming to be ill or for any other reason. While she was with my daughter, she was making her milk, including sterilising her bottles, washing my daughter and changing her nappies and giving medication. Maria spent most of the day holding my daughter, as my daughter had reflux and wouldn’t stay in her bouncer for too long. Maria was walking around the house with my daughter and most of the times she was singing songs. Maria was quick to learn and she was more experienced and knowledgeable than some others who claimed to be Nannies. Maria is currently a Master’s student and she is only working as a babysitter part time. She has gained all her knowledge and experience from looking after her younger brothers and sisters. Maria was able to keep my daughter happy and I would definitely recommend Maria !!!