Avatar for Tiphaine

London Borough Of Lambeth

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5 stars

Excellent Nanny & Part of the Family


Tiphaine worked for us as a nanny to our daughter Heidi, between the ages
of 7 months and 3 years. Tiphaine worked full time with us, and was responsible for all aspects of looking after
our daughter including preparing meals for her, organising games and activities to
help her develop and grow, such as attending baby groups, craft and creative
activities and organising play dates with other children.
Tiphaine is reliable, calm, good tempered, understanding and collaborative. She
always arrives for work on time and is prepared to take on extra responsibility and
extra hours as necessary. She only had one sick day in whole time she was working
for us. She has always been ready to follow our instructions on daily routines, TV use, and
help with events like potty training. Tiphaine also uses her initiative extremely well,
always informing us if our daughter was ill and medication was needed.
She has a child-led approach, and a natural affinity with children. She has an
excellent understanding of childhood development, which enables her to choose
relevant activities that are appropriate for each age and stage.
Tiphaine has created a warm, affectionate bond with our daughter, and also
commands respect and draws boundaries as necessary. Our daughter loves
spending time with Tiphaine still (she's now 5). Tiphaine has become part of the family, and still comes to babysit from time to time.

  • 5 stars Overall
  • 5 stars Communication