Avatar for Yasmine

City Of Westminster

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1 stars

Failed to collect my child


I engaged Yasmine as a nanny to do school pick ups for my 8 year old boy. Yasmine turned up for the interview and met the children. She was engaging and kind.

But on the afternoon that she was due to collect my son from school for the first time she simply failed to show up with no prior warning. Fortunately I had arranged that I would also be there to help her with this first pick up and so my son was not left alone.

Yasmine had given no prior notice and didn't respond to repeated urgent messages and calls that afternoon. And nor has she responded in the four days since her "no show". The day before posting this review I gave Yasmine one last opportunity to explain why she had not bothered to show up or got in touch but again she has not replied. I can only conclude that she changed her mind about the job but was both too discourteous to tell me so and too irresponsible to think of the risk that an 8 year old child might have been left uncollected at school.

  • 1 stars Overall
  • 1 stars Communication