Unreliable and Discourteous
Aga Sek worked as a nanny-housekeeper for us for a week. She only turned up for half the agreed hours. Although alarm bells were ringing, I tried to be flexible in the hopes this was just the initial settling in period as she completed tasks well and the kids liked her. I checked in at the on Friday to see how she found her first week and she said the week was “good”. I even paid her a little sign-on bonus to thank her. Big mistake.
She texted me on Sunday afternoon, less than 24 hours before she was due to work again, saying she did not “feel like coming anymore”. This left me completely in the lurch as there was no way for me to organise something else for the upcoming week. She could have told me earlier or done this in person, especially as she very greedily accepted the bonus. When I called her to discuss what went wrong she didn’t answer my call.
Due to this very inconsiderate and unprofessional behaviour, I would not recommend her.