My Son Louis has been going to Natalie since September 2020. I took Louis out of a nursery at the start of lockdown and he became very attached to me, I did worry about how he would cope being away from me, bearing in mind he also had a break from Natalie in the January lockdown I am so pleased with how he has adapted. so much so that he calls Natalie Nanny ( much to her delight as she's the same age as me ) He has made his own friends and fits in really well with the group, they spend a lot of time exploring the great outdoors if the weather is ok and sets out a weekly plan of fun things for them all to do. My Daughter Daisy went to Natalie in the school holidays and she actually sees this as a treat. she absolutely loved it. You can see that she treats all of the children as her own and I have followed her lead in areas where I myself have lacked confidence, She has a lot more experience than I do. I really cant pick a fault with the service she provides. she is professional yet friendly and will help with extra days if she can. she is a great support. I moved to this area not knowing anyone and quite often even when Louis is not in her care I meet her to do the school run so Daisy can see "Louis Friends" .