Avatar for Evie

South Lakeland

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5 stars

Utterly Wonderful


Evie has been our full-day nanny 3 days a week for over 2 years, starting when my daughter was just 8 months. She has cared and nurtured her in the most wonderful way and the whole family couldn't recommend Evie enough. Our daughter is a credit to her care with her language and development is fantastic and she's so incredibly happy to be with Evie. Evie also took care of my elder two boys (9 and 7) after school, collecting them from the bus, cooking dinner and ferrying them to clubs and things when needed. Evie manages the chaos of three children like a master - never losing her cool and juggling the competing demands with grace. Evie is only leaving us as our daughter is starting pre-school and sadly the 30 hours free cannot be used for a nanny. We are sooooo terribly sad for us leaving us and she's going to be utterly missed. Not only is Evie wonderful with the children, she's fabulous to have around the house - always a smile, laugh and joke - part of the family. In over two years I can't recall her ever being late, never missed a beat with remembering a pick-up or a task and has only had 2 sick days in the whole time - and that was only when the dreaded lurgey (Covid) got her!

  • 5 stars Overall
  • 5 stars Cleanliness
  • 5 stars Food
  • 5 stars Communication