Angeliki's Reviews


Below are the reviews that Angeliki has written.

I'm so upset with our experience with Jacqueline. I had 2 children attend my son would protest going in the morning and would just get nothing out of it, he would tell me he would need to be quiet most of the time when the babies slept and would watch too much tv. My son was not allowed water bottle inside the cabin on a hot day even though the cabin was so hot, as it was on the carpet (a silly rule expecting 1-4 yr olds to follow).

My daughter who is 1 attended for 3 days before Jacqueline decided she was too hard to settle. We paid over £2000 for her too attend and no refunds, Jacqueline said it was not the right setting for her but in reality she was not settling her well, sending me distressing pictures of her crying and telling me how the neighbour aggressivley knocked on telling her to "shut that kid up" meaning my baby. I told Jacqueline not to put my baby in a highchair as she does this and its common practice for Jacqueline to put the babies to be out of the way in the cabin when the toddlers are playing. My daughter hates highchairs but she was sending me pictures of her in a highchair outside. She also has artifical grass outside which my children would come home stinking of dog urine as they have cats and dogs, many clothes were thrown away. When she gave me notice after 3 days on my daughter I explained I was thousands out of pocket with no childcare and I would need to take my son out too to find childcare together. Therefore I did not pay her for the following month as we would not be using her due to her terminating the contract with my daughter. However she continued to harass me for payment for my son via her solicitor despite taking lots of cash payments for my daughter care she did not recieve via her request. However as my son has a separate contract, she has her "rights" to be paid for him.
I just wish to warn others that I have had a terrible distressing experience with Jacqueline and I hope others do not go through similar. My wishes were never taken into account by Jacqueline despite me stating my son is not allowed tv time she proceeded to put this on most of the day, my son has flare ups on his skin from certain foods I would always need to ask what he's eaten or if he's napped as she would provide a record of communication either. Me and my family are very unsatisfied with our experience!

  • 1 stars Overall
  • 1 stars Setting
  • 5 stars Cleanliness
  • 3 stars Food
  • 1 stars Communication

by Avatar for Angeliki Angeliki about Avatar for jacqui s jacqui s on 05/07/2024

Response by Avatar for jacqui s jacqui s on 05/07/2024:

Thanks for your review, I do always appreciate feedback any time, however in this Instance perhaps prior to leaving may have been a little more beneficial. I am truly sorry you feel this way and after 2.5 years with your child in my care I felt we had a strong enough relationship for you to discuss any issues with me. I will miss your children and hope they settle happily in their next setting.