Impeccable childcare in homely surroundings
I placed my 9 month old baby girl in Jill's care when I went to work and I was very nervous being a first time mum. The sign up and consultation to get to know my daughter was very professional and Jill makes a genuine effort to understand routines, from sleep to eating patterns and she sticks to it, making the transition from home to her care very easy. My daughter felt at ease with Jill immediately and was happy when I dropped her off and picked her up every day. Jill has an outstanding rating with offsted and ensures that the children's activities are in line with personal development, she feeds back progress thoroughly and regularly so that you know what they have been doing and how they have been getting on. The children have an action packed day full of activities, indoors and outdoors. My daughter was always handed back to me, clean, happy and she never ever had nappy rash in Jill's care.
Jill genuinely cares for the children, she is friendly and warm with them and she always celebrates birthdays and other traditional celebrations.
As Jill only had 2 days available I split the days between care with her and the other 2 days my daughter went to nursery. The difference in the quality of care between the 2 was highly noticeable and upsetting, I hated sending my daughter to nursery and often asked Jill for more of her time but unfortunately there never came a slot available and I can see why parents want to keep their children in her care.
The only reason we took our daughter out of Jill's care at 18months old was because we immigrated to another country but I hope that I can find someone that will care for our daughter so well, she set's the standard very high. Our daughter left with a book of all the progress she had made, beautifully presented with photographs and stories, Jill will be missed.