akua's Reviews


Below are the reviews that akua has written.

Katie started working for us in January 2023 when my then 15 month old son was having issues settling at a nursery.

Katie and my son bonded straight away which gave me the peace of mind to leave my son in her capable hands to focus on work. My son loves and adores Katie and if we had our way we would keep Katie until my son is old enough to start school or beyond.

Katie is kind, caring and trust worthy. My son now knows more of Macclesfield and surrounding areas than I do, all thanks to Katie. He loves the outdoors and Katie always finds places to go with him to keep his interest. They go to museums, soft play, trampoline parks, farms, zoos, pet shops, etc. At home they do baking, messy play, etc. My son who is not yet two years old is now speaking, counting from 1 to 10 in two languages, able to identify colours, recite the alphabets and has matured so much in such a short space of time since being with Katie. He is happy and content.

Sadly we have to move hours away from Macclesfield and cannot take Katie with us. So if you are in Macclesfield and looking for someone to trust your little one with, look no further than Katie.

  • 5 stars Overall
  • 5 stars Setting
  • 5 stars Cleanliness
  • 5 stars Food
  • 5 stars Communication

by Avatar for akua akua about Avatar for Katie Ha Katie Ha on 27/07/2023