1 stars

I don't recommend her


-No communication ( left my son alone don't communicate with him at all on her phone all the time, ignoring him, don't ask him if he need anything even food, all what she described herself on her profile in reality it's the opposite).

_ Shouting many times at him.

_Not replying back our messages when we want to ask about our son.

_Caused me quite my job on my first day .

_More and More horrible things .. it's the worst experience with Jennifer.

  • 1 stars Overall
  • 1 stars Setting
  • 1 stars Cleanliness
  • 1 stars Food
  • 1 stars Communication

Response from Jennifer

Hi Imen, this is the second review you’ve made about me that defames my character and I’ve noticed you’ve changed a few things so I’ll say this again.

1.) No communication; You failed to mention on your profile (before you changed it) that your child has special needs even at the first meeting we had you NEVER mentioned that.

2.) I NEVER left your son alone. The only time he was alone was when he was in the bathroom. You have cameras in your house, so you would be able to see it for yourself. Like I stated previously, since you like lying I wouldn’t be surprised if you deleted the footage.

3.) You always provided your son with a packed lunch and when we would go to the park he would eat it. And the last time I gave him dinner, your ex partner saw him eating it because he was talking to him through the camera. (This was on my last day)

4.) Your child had a meltdown in public because he couldn’t go to swimming and I explained to him why in a stern manner which made him calm down. The only time I shouted at him was when he was having a meltdown in the bathroom because he didn’t want to get out and he was trying to physically hurt himself. And you in your own words told me to stop talking to him.

5.) Not replying back on our messages when we ask about our son; I’ve got screenshots of ALL the messages, I always replied or you would call me.

6.) The stars on setting and cleanliness; The service was at your house. You always kept your house clean and your son never made a mess as he would always clean up after himself so that would be a lie.

7.) You still haven’t paid me for the service even though I have contacted you and your ex partner and I was told by him not to contact you or him again or else. This was after I stated that I didn’t want to escalate the matter But it will be handled.

Thanks again Imen.
Please do remember I have proof of everything. 👍🏽