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5 stars

Review for Marta.


I am very pleased to write a review on behalf of Marta.

Marta has cared for my 3.5 year old daughter for nearly 2 years (and recently for my 1 year old) and she is a wonderful first class child-minder.

Marta is a particularly caring and grounded individual and has a very clear headed, and calm, approach to problems. She is outstanding with regards to her dedication, compassion, knowledge, and communication skills.

When my children are with Marta they are always doing something that is fun, high energy, and involves learning such as going to the park on scooters, play groups, soft play centres, baking, dressing up and role play, going to museums, libraries, and dancing.

Marta has excellent insight into the emotional and physical needs of the children she cares for.

She has definitely been the best child-care choice for my family and I would welcome speaking to anyone who would like to know more.