Avatar for Jacqueline Murray

Jacqueline Murray

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5 stars

Brilliant childcare and lovely people


I hadn't lived in Maidstone long so didn't have anyone to recommend childcare so using this website I found 4 childminders who I went to visit, Jacqueline and Ian were the first ones I saw and they set the bar so high no one else could compare. Their settling in program was great my son is 9 months old so for him he didn't really know what was going on but it was for me as well as him he seemed so happy which made me happy, in the first few weeks i knew I could call or text any time to make sure he was ok and they sent me lovely photos of him having fun and playing with the other children it was so nice to put my mind at rest leaving him all day. Jacqueline and Ian's approach to childcare and their teaching of manners is just how I would like my son to learn. Their home is a child's paradise it has all the toys and learning equipment my son could ask for and is clean and safe. Jacqueline makes her own home made meals for my son he started off only have lunch there but now has dinner to as he loves her cooking so much :). My son goes full time to Jacqueline and Ian and he loves it when we get there in the morning he gives them a big smile I would recommend them to anyone.