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When I started to use Sarah Dickson of childhood matters, my child Mya was 18 months. Sarah looked after Mya for 2 and a half years in that time Mya changed considerably for the better. Mya is much more confident and has gained a lot of social skills.During this time I have been continually impressed with the consistently high standard of care that Mya has received.

The atmosphere at Sarah's is always happy, relaxed and under control and it's clear that Mya enjoys going there in the mornings. Sarah has strong family values and I feel that the other children in Sarah's care, who are polite and well behaved, are a testament to the effectiveness of these values. I feel that Sarah's children she cares for have provided a sibling influence that as an only child Mya does not get at home and that this has helped her become more sociable and at ease with other children.

Sarah provides Mya with lots of stimulation and often taken the children out to play groups or on picnics, to parks or trips. Sarah encourages a lot of outdoor play, which I feel is very important in encouraging Mya to enjoy exercise.

I have been very happy with Mya being looked after by Sarah. I have total confidence in her which makes it easier for me to concentrate on work during the day as I do not worry about Mya.I have also found Sarah and all her family to be exemplary people and I'm so glad that my child had the benefit of her care for the time she did. I've never had any cause for concern in any respect.