5 stars

Thanks for having my boy!!


Louise has been looking after my 1 year old Son since the beginning of July. It was the first time my Son had been around other children and looked after by another, and although anxious as it is for a parent to leave their child/children whilst they work, it is a common necessity and Louise made me feel like I was a friend immediately and my Son took to Louise and family instantly!

Every time I pick him up he is not only full up, clean, kept warm on cool days and cool on warm days, he is a smiling, happy child who I have no worries about whilst he is in Louise's care. He adores the children, has fun, and I see he is also adored by the family.

Thank you Louise, for not only looking after Coby, but for accepting him as your own when he's with you!!

I would Recommend Louise to anyone who is looking for a Childminder! Wonderful.