Avatar for Zuzana

London Borough Of Hounslow

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5 stars

Most caring and loving nanny!


I feel enormously lucky to have found Zuzana. She has been looking after our younger son (9-month old to start) and he absolutely adores her, as does the rest of the family. Our older son loves to catch a brief chat with her in the morning and is super excited on days she stays longer and he can play with her. Even I feel looked after as Zuzana cooks healthy and delicious dinners for us while the little one sleeps. Zuzana brings so much joy and love to the kids, she gets on their wavelength and is fully engrossed in play with them, whether it’s hours on the playground, building houses and towers, drawing, reading or baking muffins (with the older one). I have so many examples of her going above and beyond out of pure love and care. She’d regularly bring books from the library for my older one when she realized how much he loves books; she’d come in early morning on Saturday to help me out when I had to catch a plane on my own with the two little ones; she’d quickly pick up on food favorites and would make the whole family jump with joy and lick their lips. And yes, she does the expected – is always on time (early if anything), very reliable, tidy, professional and communicates really well. We couldn’t have found a better nanny for us!