A responsible and also a flexible nanny
Ann has been working with us since June 2015 and looked after my 2 little girls. She easily adapted to fit to the needs our family and I was not worried at work when the girls were with Ann. She would regularly update me with the activities of my little one and made sure she had something to eat as my little one has been fussy eater at times. She also does the school runs for my 6 yr old girl and facilitated activities like tennis. Girls also enjoyed the occasional company of Ann's little son who I think has helped them to bond more with Ann.
After I got a higher training job, I started doing on calls for which Ann has been able to provide cover. She also did occasional night babysitting for my girls when I did night oncalls. She would also help to pick up girls from school and nursery when I was stuck at work.
Unfortunately, we need to let go Ann due to our change in circumstances. I know for sure that my girls would terribly miss her and I'm not sure whether I could find someone else equivalent to Ann with any ease!