An angel in disguise! x
Nicky looked after our first son part-time from about 8 months and then full-time from 12 months up to the age of 3, as well as my second son when he came along.
It is a very scary and emotional experience trying to find someone to trust with your babies, but when we met Nicky we just knew that she was a loving and nurturing person.
I truly do not have words to describe how much calmer it made me to know that my boys were safely with her. She loved them to bits and spent so much time teaching them different things, doing various activities, taking them to groups and focusing on their personal development. This was extremely important to me!
I was heart broken when it was time for them to leave. They have never stopped asking when they will see her again and "can we go to Nicky's house?". We still meet up because Nicky loves seeing them and the feeling is mutual. If we did not have to move Nicky would definitely still be taking care of our boys. I would have loved to take her with us! :-)
She is 1000% an angel in disguise.