Avatar for Puneeta Sander

Puneeta Sander

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5 stars

the most kind person we have ever met!!


I am Erick, and I will be 4 years old soon. My mommy started full time work last year in September, so I needed to find somebody to replace her!!

I have to mention that my mommy was a school teacher some time ago and she practiced for 5 years, so she was quite fussy in finding the right person for me!!
I had a few problems too.......I didn't want to eat any sort of meat, no eggs, no potato, no sausage ........ the only food I loked was gren beans,, couscous , fish and.......that would be all!!!!
On top of everything, I really really wanted to stay only and only with my mother, I couldn't understand why she had to go to work????????Who was going to love me the same way she does??
And then she found Neeta!!!!
And I was very happy!!!!!!!!
I have now a lot of friends, I EAT now everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! meat, eggs, sausage rolls, vegetables......you name it.....I eat it!!!!!!!
Neeta's house now is my house!!! And sometimes mom's house too, when she wants to relax, to talk to a friend......to watch me playing!!!!!
Oh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I forgot to tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was nearly 3 when Neeta started to take care of me, and I wasn't saying a single word!!!!!!!!!!! I refused to speak!!!!!!
Now, after one year..............I can talk, sing, I know all the letters and I can count to 20.
All thanx to Neeta!!!
I love you Neeta, and my family loves you too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Response from Puneeta Sander

Thankyou so much for the review ,it has been a pleasure to see Eric Blossom !!and I hope we keep in touch so I can see Eric grow and Fly!!!!