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Nursery Nurse

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5 stars

experienced gifted nanny- talented sleep trainer


Sandra is a very experienced kind and sensitive nanny. She began caring for my daughter this year, when she was 10 months old and has completely transformed our lives. When we met her our little girl was not sleeping and was very difficult to settle. We had no routine because no two days had ever been the same and she had never slept in a predictable way. She had had a history of reflux and had never slept more than two hours at a time at night. I was exhausted and desperate and in 4 weeks our daughter began sleeping through the night!

Sandra established a daytime routine and analysed the situation explaining that Avani was overtired and needed to catch up on her sleep before she could rest easily. She helped her get comfortable in her cot and never let her cry. She is knowledgeable about all aspects of childcare including menu preparation, routine establishment and educational and psychological development. My little girl also genuinely loves this woman and has bonded to her like a member of the family. I cannot recommend her highly enough.

Feel free to contact me for any more details!