My Lovely Nanny!
Samantha Hancox has provided one to one sole charge care of my son William since October 2013.(11 months old)
Rather than provide you this reference from the eyes of a mummy, I have provided it through my son’s eyes.
Nanny is warm and funny, she holds my hand to cross the road, and always tells me to check for cars, nanny plays every single game I ask, even if it’s the 100th time that day, nanny takes me to groups such as dancing,
singing, rhyme time, she knows how much I love the gruffalo so nanny took me to the gruffalo trail, nanny also knows I love the farm and the outdoors, but also knows when its raining I love painting and drawing, nanny makes my days full of fun and happy times, and sometimes nanny and I just sit for a while and do a jigsaw in-between the busy and fun schedule she provides.
Nanny always feeds me on time, and changes me, nanny puts up with me when I am feeling grumpy and always cuddles me if I need one, she helps me understand my manners and my boundaries, but never tells me off.
She provides me a safe, happy, comfortable, enjoyable day each and every day that she is with me, she is my friend, but she is also a teacher, a care giver, a clown, a chef, a dance partner, an engine driver (for my toy trains) nanny is pretty much anything I need her to be on any given day, and as i’m 2 I can change my mind very quickly!!
Nanny also has 2 older children of her own, who are not grown up quite yet, but nearly, and mummy says if I turn out half as happy, and kind and polite as nanny’s children she will be very pleased!
Nanny and I have been out this morning having fun, and she’s just said I am to go for my nap, so I will leave my reference as it is, and let you know you can call my mummy if you have any more questions.