Ab Kettleby Community Primary School

Wartnaby Road, Ab Kettleby, Melton Mowbray, LE14 3JJ

Ab Kettleby Community Primary School is an academy converter school in Melton Mowbray. According to the latest government data, it has approximately 53 pupils and allows entry for children aged 4-11.

About Us

My name is Ian Toon and I’m the head teacher at Ab Kettleby Community Primary School.  We are small rural school with 53 children on roll.  We have three classes that have a mixed year group  structure.

I hope that you enjoy reading all about us and what we have to offer. Our ethos is ‘Loving Learning’ and we strive to learn altogether in a fun and creative way.
If you would like to find out more about us, or you would like to come for a look round, please do not hesitate to contact me. Further information regarding the admission process for Leicestershire schools can be accessed from the following link:  

Leicestershire County Council - Admissions Policy
Our school became an academy on 1st April 2014 and we are part of the Mowbray Education Trust (MET) which is a Multi Academy Trust (MAT).  The trust is made up of the following schools:

* John Ferneley College (secondary school)
* Ab Kettleby (primary)
* The Grove (primary)
* Brownlow (primary)
* Somerby (primary)

The multi-academy trust is the most formalised type of collaborative structure available for academies. Within a multi-academy trust all schools are governed by one academy trust. The make-up of the multi-academy trust is prescribed by the standard DfE Articles of Association; the governors are mainly appointed by the members.  Currently our teaching follows the national curriculum and our school day starts at 0900 until 1515.

Enjoy the read and we hope to see you soon.
Kind regards,
Ian Toon

Our Childcare Provision

Ab Kettleby Primary School currently does not offer any childcare facilities or wrap around care.

Pick ups and Drop offs


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