Bradley Barton Primary School and Nursery Unit

Ogwell Mill Road, Bradley Barton, Newton Abbot, TQ12 1PR

Bradley Barton Primary School and Nursery Unit is a community school school in Newton Abbot. According to the latest government data, it has approximately 376 pupils and allows entry for children aged 3-11.

About Us

Our school strives to create a high quality-learning environment that emphasises the importance of relationships and responsibilities as an important foundation for all learning experiences. Our school is a restorative community and we aim to ensure children learn and move forward positively from all experiences, including those which they may find challenging.

We have a strong emphasis on active and creative learning, the acquisition of literacy and numeracy skills and using children's own interests to ensure they are engaged and positive.

All staff endeavour to keep abreast of new approaches to teaching and learning that foster and build on children's interests and achievements.

Our school has a unique and superb outdoor environment with large playing areas, large produce garden and greenhouse, wildlife area, pond, extensive composting facilities and adjoining woodland used for forest school sessions. We maximise the benefits of these superb facilities, so learning about sustainability and developing our pupil's individual sense of responsibility to care for each other and the planet are key themes underpinning our curriculum.

The diverse contributions of parents and the wider community are greatly valued. We aim to establish effective partnerships that will support and encourage your child’s development. We encourage parents/carers to participate fully in school activities.

Our Childcare Provision

Breakfast Club for children who attend our school from 8am Monday - Friday
After School Club for children who attend our school until 5pm or 6pm

Pick ups and Drop offs

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Childminder in Teignbridge District

Usually responds within 2 hours

I provide home from home childcare for all ages of children


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