Eldene Primary School
Colingsmead, Eldene, Swindon, SN3 3TQ

Eldene Primary School is a community school school in Swindon. According to the latest government data, it has approximately 350 pupils and allows entry for children aged 4-11.
About Us
'Working together to develop a lifelong love of learning and sow the seeds of success.'
Eldene Nursery & Primary School is an Ofsted rated ‘Good’ school with approximately 350 children currently on roll.
The primary school opened in September 2000 after the amalgamation of the former Eldene infant and junior schools, which were built in the late 1960s. In September 2014, we opened a School Nursery Class using the building vacated by the Eldene Children’s Centre, which is on our site. This building is also used for a variety of community activities. The school has a Special Resource Provision for KS2 children with complex learning difficulties. We run a Breakfast Club and After-school Club with 24 places.
At Eldene we have high expectations and are incredibly proud of our children, staff team and governors, and of all the great things that we achieve together.
We have a very calm, purposeful and caring atmosphere which you can feel the moment that you walk into our school. Within this positive environment, we aim to provide a happy and stimulating place where every child has the opportunity to develop a thirst for learning and achieve to the best of their ability so they can go on to realise their ambitions.
The staff and volunteers in all areas of school life are a committed and hard working team. Parents are recognised as partners in their child’s education and are encouraged to support our aims by taking an interest in the life of our school and in their child’s progress.
Our Childcare Provision
Little Owls Nursery
Little Owls is the nursery of Eldene Nursery and Primary School. It is a setting for three and four year olds run by a qualified teacher supported by Nursery Assistants, and provides three hour sessions. It is open for morning and afternoon sessions Monday to Friday.
Nursery is a place for learning. The children do not sit at desks but learn the way three and four year old learn best – through supported play. A place at Little Owls Nursery is much more than convenient child care. It is the first step of a school education, involving developing your child physically and mentally through activities encouraging them to explore and discover.
Every session your child spends here is a time of intensive learning. We invest a great deal of energy and attention maintaining this intensity.
As part of Eldene school, Little Owls enjoys all the facilities and resourcing advantages of a primary school. We can mix and match toys and resources, use facilities like the school hall for PE and make use of the school’s expertise and support structures, for example in family support or helping children with special needs.
As our partners in the Early Years Foundation Stage, the school’s Reception classes work closely with us. Indeed, the nursery is managed as part of the school’s EYFS, and this enables a smooth transition for children who move on from Little Owls to full time school at Eldene.
Little Owls runs two sessions each day. The first is from 8.45 until 11.45am and the second from 12.15 until 3.15pm
Every child of nursery age is entitled to five free sessions a week. At Little Owls, there is also the option to pay for extra sessions. The cost is £10 per session and various patterns of weekly attendance are possible. Children who stay for both sessions on any given day will need either a packed lunch or may pay for a hot lunch provided by the school kitchen.
Breakfast Club
Our Breakfast Club is open for registered children from 8:00 am until school starts Monday to Friday. There is some flexibility and it may not be necessary for your child to be booked in 5 days a week. The charge for breakfast club is £2.50 per morning but there may be free places available for children who receive, or have ever received, free school meals. Children are given breakfast (cereal, yoghurt, toast and a drink), and then have the opportunity to take part in an activity before joining their class at registration. If you would like your child to come to Breakfast Club you should complete and return a registration form. Places are limited, so if the club is full names are placed on a waiting list and we will let you know as soon as we are able to take them.
After School Club
We also run an After-School Club for registered children, though if space is available parents can also book a place for their child, with payment, on the morning of the day it is required. The club provides childcare (including a light meal) from the time school ends until 5.30pm (or 6:00pm by arrangement). The cost per night until 5:30pm is £7.50. There may be free places available for children who receive, or have ever received, free school meals. For further details please ask at the school office.
Below are the latest reviews for Eldene Primary School. Please note that reviews represent the subjective opinions of other Childcare.co.uk members and not of Childcare.co.uk.
A good school
My daughter has attended this school now for 4 years, she has had some great teachers and some not so great teachers. She is happy and settled and the school are great at pushing hard to get the children learning. My daughter is Dyslexic and they say they are a Dyslexia friendly school but I sometimes struggle to see what they do to help them individually as in year 3 with her least favourite teacher who got nothing out of her my daughter had been kept behind for not completing her work in time but on other occasions told off for rushing her work and not being neat so I felt she couldn't win either way, either take your time and do a good job (takes her longer due to her Dyslexia) or rush to get out for play time and be told off for messy work. But since being in year 4 with her new teacher Miss Green she has been very happy and motivated and is doing great, it makes a big difference having a teacher who your children look up to and respect. The head teacher is friendly and approachable. The school offers free after school clubs, that is much appreciated and also regular fun events for children and their families to attend.
by KMC0613 about Eldene Primary School on 18/01/2016
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