Netherthorpe Primary School

Netherthorpe Street, Sheffield, S3 7JA

Netherthorpe Primary School is a community school school in Sheffield. According to the latest government data, it has approximately 260 pupils and allows entry for children aged 3-11.

About Us

Netherthorpe Primary School is a one form entry primary school near the centre of Sheffield. We have a very rich and diverse community and benefit from the wide range of ethniciites and languages spoken by our children.

Our Childcare Provision

We run a breakfast club for all pupils from 8.00am and also have a number of after school clubs run by staff members - these vary throughout the year. At present we do not have official after school child care provision.

Pick ups and Drop offs

3 stars 2
Babysitter,Nanny in London Borough Of Croydon

Hi there! My name is Catarina and I am a nursery practitioner. I firmly believe that learning while having fun is key to a child’s development. My psychology studies inspire me to…


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