Happy Honeybees
Our two year old has been attending honeybees 3 days a week for 6 months now & loves it. Jen offers a safe, warm, family centred environment & we feel confident that our daughter is cared for here as much as she is at home. In addition she gets the benefit of learning to mix with another family & other children of different ages (who are all lovely too!). We are regularly kept updated on our daughters development & little milestones & feel we are able to really work positively together on any challenges we may face, including the usual two year old behavioural ones - for example learning to share.
The children are exposed to a wide range of activities & fun experiences, our fridge is now covered in art & we always have plenty to chat about at bedtime, games played & adventures had whilst out & about at the beach or the park.
We have also found it immensely helpful as first time parents to have the benefit of advice & support from two experienced parents who are also trained as professional child carers.